Actor State

In this section we describe the state that can persist through Abaco actor container executions.


When an actor is registered, its stateless property is automatically set to true. An actor must be registered with stateless=false to be stateful (maintain state across executions).

Once an actor is executed, the associated worker GETs data from the /actors/v2/{actor_id}/state endpoint and injects it into the actor’s _abaco_actor_state environment variable. While an actor is executing, the actor can update its state by POSTing to the aforementioned endpoint.


  • The worker only GETs data from the state endpoint one time as the actor is initiated. If the actor updates its state endpoint during execution, the worker does not inject the new state until a new execution.
  • Stateful actors may only have one associated worker in order to avoid race conditions. Thus generally, stateless actors will execute quicker as they can operate in parallel.
  • Issuing a state to a stateless actor will return a actor is stateless. error.
  • The state variable must be JSON-serializable. An example of passing JSON-serializable data can be found under Examples below.

Utilizing State in Actors to Accomplish Something




Here are some examples interacting with state using curl.

Registering an actor specifying statefulness: stateless=false.

$curl -H "$header" \
-d "image=abacosamples/test&stateless=false" \

POSTing a state to a particular actor; keep in mind we must indicate in the header that we are passing content type application/json.

$curl -H "$header" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"some variable": "value", "another variable": "value2"}' \<actor_id>/state

GETting information about a particular actor’s state.

$curl -H "$header" \<actor_id>/state


Here are some examples interacting with state using Python. The agavepy.actors module provides access to an actor’s environment data in native Python objects.

Registering an actor specifying statefulness: stateless=false.

>>> from agavepy.agave import Agave
>>> ag = Agave(api_server='', token='<access_token>')
>>> actor = {"image": "abacosamples/test",
    "stateless": "False"}
>>> ag.actors.add(body=actor)

POSTing a state to a particular actor; again keep in mind we must pass in JSON serializable data.

>>> from agavepy.actors import update_state
>>> state = {"some variable": "value", "another variable": "value2"}
>>> update_state(state)

GETting information about a particular actor’s state. This function returns a Python dictionary with many fields one of which is state.

>>> from agavepy.actors import get_context
>>> get_context()
{'raw_message': '<text>', 'content_type': '<text>', 'execution_id': '<text>', 'username': '<text>', 'state': 'some_state', 'actor_dbid': '<text>', 'actor_id': '<text>', 'raw_message_parse_log': '<text>', 'message_dict': {}}

Additional Work

  • Create a pipeline between worker and actor to exchange state without HTTP latency. (Not worker->server->actor->server)
  • Develop ‘stateful’ actors that can execute in parallel (utilizing CRDT data-types)