Customizing Responses

Returns the name, status, app id, and the url to the archived job output for every user job
Show curl
curl -sk -H \
    "Authorization: Bearer ${API_KEY}" \
tapis jobs list -v -l 2 -c name -c id -c status -c _links.archiveData
The response would look something like the following:
    "name" : "demo-pyplot-demo-advanced test-1414139896",
    "status": "FINISHED",
    "appId" : "demo-pyplot-demo-advanced-0.1.0",
    "_links": {
      "archiveData": {
        "href": ""
    "name": "demo-pyplot-demo-advanced test-1414270831",
    "status": "FINISHED",
    "appId" : "demo-pyplot-demo-advanced-0.1.0",
    "_links": {
      "archiveData": {
        "href": ""
Returns the system id, type, whether it is your default system, and the hostname from the system’s storage config
Show curl
curl -sk -H \
    "Authorization: Bearer ${API_KEY}" \
tapis systems list -v -l 2 -c id -c name -c type -c default -c
The response would look something like the following:
    "id": "",
    "type": "STORAGE",
    "default": false,
    "storage": {
      "host": ""
    "id": "",
    "type": "EXECUTION",
    "default": false,
    "storage": {
      "host": ""

In many situations, Tapis may return back too much or too little information in the response to a query. For example, when searching jobs, the inputs and parameters fields are not included in the default summary response objects. You can customize the responses you receive from all the Science APIs using the filter query parameter.

The filter query parameter takes a comma-delimited list of fields to return for each object in the response. Each field may be referenced using JSON notation similar to the search syntax (minus the .[operation] suffix.