
The PostIts service is a URL shortening service similar to,, and It allows you to create pre-authenticated, disposable URLs to any resource in the Tapis Platform. You have control over the lifetime and number of times the URL can be redeemed, and you can expire a PostIt at any time. The most common use of PostIts is to create URLs to files so that you can share with others without having to upload them to a third-party service. Anytime you need to share your science with your world, PostIts can help you.

Creating PostIts

To create a PostIt, send a POST request to the PostIts service with the target url you want to share. In this example, we are sharing a file we have in Tapis’s cloud storage account.

In the response you see standard fields such as created timestamp and the postit token. You also see several fields that lead into the discussion of another aspect of PostIts, such as the ability to restrict usage and expire them on demand.

When creating a postit, one has an option to create a postit with a specified number of allowed uses and expiration, or to create an unlimited postit. If max uses or lifetime is not provided, the default values will be applied regardless if the postit is unlimited. If postit is unlimited, these values will just act as placeholders but will not be used when redeeming.

Default parameters:

  • maxUses - 1
  • lifetime - 30 days
  • unlimited - false

You can create a postit with either content type ‘application/json’ or ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’. The target URL must contain the base URL for the correct tenant. The url must also point to one of the following Tapis services: JOBS, FILES, APPS or SYSTEMS.


Creating a postit with maxUses and lifetime:

Show cURL
$ curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST -d '{"maxUses": 3, "lifetime": 600", "url": "<target_url>"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json""

Creating unlimited postit:

Show cURL
$ curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST -d '{"unlimited": true, "url": "<target_url>"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json""


Creating a postit with maxUses and lifetime:

Show cURL
$ curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST -d "maxUses=3&lifetime=600&url=<target_url>"}"

Creating unlimited postit:

Show cURL
$ curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST -d "unlimited=true&url=<target_url>""

CLI example

(Note: CLI does not currently support unlimited postits)

Show CLI Command
tapis postits create \
 -m 10 \
 -L 86400 \

Example Postit Creation Response

Show JSON Response
  "creator": "jstubbs"
  "createdAt": "2020-09-30T21:51:31-05:00",
  "expiresAt": "2020-10-01T00:14:51-05:00",
  "remainingUses": 10,
  "postit": "0feb1aa5-01aa-4445-b580-a008064a4c44-010",
  "numberIsed": 0,
  "tenantId": "",
  "status": "ACTIVE"
  "noauth": false,
  "method": "GET"
  "url": "",
  "method": "GET",

Available parameters to create a postit.

JSON Parameter JSON Type Description
maxUses integer The number of times a postit can be redeemed. Must be at least 1. Negative values are not allowed.
lifetime integer How long the postit will live, in seconds. This number is used to generate the expiration time and date by adding the seconds to the current date and time. The resulting expiration time must be before date 1/19/2038.
force boolean Appends the force argument to the curl command.
unlimited boolean True to create a postit that does not have an expiration date or max uses.
url string The url to be redeemed by the postit. *Always required.
noauth boolean Legacy parameter that will be accepted, but ignored by the new Aloe service.
internalUsername string Legacy parameter that will be accepted, but ignored by the new Aloe service.
method string Legacy parameter that will be accepted, but ignored by the new Aloe service.
warning:If you intend and using a PostIt as a link in a web page or a messaging service like Slack, HipChat, Facebook, Twitter, etc, which unfurl URL for display, then you should set the maximum uses greater than 4 due to the number of preflight requests made to the URL for display. Failing to do so will result in the URL showing up in the feed, but failing to resolve when clicked to download.

Listing PostIts

To list all currently active PostIts, see the following commands:

Show CLI Command
tapis postits list -v
Show cURL
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" ''

The curl interface also allows listing postits by status. Just use ?status=<status> at the end of the URL. For example, the following curl would return all expired postits. See the table below for other status options.

curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN"
\ ''

Status Fields

Status Description
ACTIVE Postit is redemeemable.
EXPIRED_AND_NO_USES Postit is both expired and out of remaining uses.
EXPIRED Postit has expired.
NO_USES Postit is out of remaining uses.
REVOKED The postit has been revoked. Can no longer redeem nor update this postit.
NOT_FOUND (Not a status) Indicates status could not be calculated.
ALL (Not a status) Indicates to include all statuses.

Listing Single PostIt

You can list the information for any PostIt UUID, as long as it is on the same tenant.

List a single postit

Show cURL
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN"''

Updating PostIts

The creator of a postit and tenant admins can update a postit. One may update maxUses, lifetime and unlimited. If a postit transitions from unlimited to limited without maxUses and lifetime, the current expiration and remaining uses is used. When updating the lifetime, a new expiration time will be calculated based on the lifetime sent in. It does not add on to the current expiration time.

If you need to update other fields, such as url, you will need to revoke this postit and create a new one.

Update a postit from unlimited to limited, in JSON format

Show cURL
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN"'' \
    -X POST -d '{"maxUses": 100, "lifetime": 2000, "unlimited": false}' -H "Content-type: application/json"

Update a postit from limited to unlimited, in XML format

Show cURL
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN"'' \
    -X POST -d "unlimited=true"

Redeeming PostIts

You redeem a PostIt by making a non-authenticated HTTP request on the PostIt URL. In the above example, that would be Every time you make a get request on the PostIt, the remainingUses field decrements by 1 and the numberUsed field increments by 1. This continues until the value hits 0 or the PostIt outlives its expiresAt field. If a postit is unlimited, the remainingUses field does not decrement, and the expiresAt field is not used. However, the postit will retain these original values for the case that a postit is reverted to a limited postit.

cURL command for redeeming a PostIt, which would download the picksumipsum.txt file from your storage system to the user’s machine:

Show cURL
curl -s -o picksumipsum.txt ''

warning:There will be no response for redeeming PostIts, even if the redemption fails.

Forcing PostIt Browser Downloads

If you are using PostIts in a browser environment, you can force a file download by adding force=true to the PostIt URL query. If the target URL is a file item, the name of the file item will be included in the Content-Disposition header so the downloaded file has the correct file name. You may also add the same query parameter to any target file item to force the Content-Disposition header from the Files API.

Expiring PostIts

In addition to setting expiration parameters when you create a PostIt, you can manually expire a PostIt at any time by making an authenticated DELETE request on the PostIt URL. This will instantly expire, or revoke, the PostIt from further use. A revoked postit cannot be updated.

Manually expiring a PostIt with CLI:

Show CLI Command
tapis postits delete 0feb1aa5-01aa-4445-b580-a008064a4c44-010

Show cURL
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" -X DELETE ''