Metadata Searching

Searching metadata for all items with name like “mustard plant”
Show curl
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
    --data-urlencode '{"name": "mustard plant"}'

Show Tapis CLI
tapis meta search --name like "mustard"

The response will look something like the following:
Show json response
    "uuid": "7341557475441971686-242ac11f-0001-012",
    "schemaId": null,
    "internalUsername": null,
    "associationIds": [
    "lastUpdated": "2016-08-29T05:51:39.908-05:00",
    "name": "some metadata",
    "value": {
      "title": "Example Metadata",
      "properties": {
        "species": "arabidopsis",
        "description": "A model plant organism..."
    "created": "2016-08-29T05:43:18.618-05:00",
    "owner": "nryan",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""
      "permissions": {
        "href": ""
      "owner": {
        "href": ""
      "associationIds": [
          "rel": "179338873096442342-242ac113-0001-002",
          "href": "",
          "title": "file"
          "rel": "6608339759546166810-242ac114-0001-007",
          "href": "",
          "title": "job"

In addition to retrieving Metadata via its UUID, the Metadata service supports MongoDB query syntax. Just add the q=<value> to URL query portion of your GET request on the metadata collection. This differs from other APIs, but provides a richer syntax to query and filter responses.

If you wanted to look up Metadata corresponding to a specific value within its JSON Metadata value, you can specify this using a JSON object such as {"name": "mustard plant"}. Remember that, in order to send JSON in a URL query string, it must first be URL encoded. Luckily this is easily handled for us by curl and the Tapis CLI.

The given query will return all metadata with name, “mustard plant” that you have permission to access.

Search Examples

metadata search by exact name
{"name": "mustard plant"}
metadata search by field in value
{"value.type": "a plant"}
metadata search for values with any field matching an item in the given array
{ "value.profile.status": { "$in": [ "active", "paused" ] } }
metadata search for items with a name matching a case-insensitive regex
{ "name": { "$regex": "^Cactus.*", "$options": "i"}}
metadata search for value by regex matched against each line of a value
{ "value.description": { "$regex": ".*monocots.*", "$options": "m"}}
metadata search for value by conditional queries
               ".*prickly pear.*",

Some common search syntax examples. Consult the MongoDB Query Documentation for more examples and full syntax documentation.